Our friend and colleague Revd. Stewart Tyler died at home on Friday, 17th April 2020.  We are praying for his wife Jackie and all of their family at this time. Stewart was able to receive the Maundy Money from the queen early this year. Look out for the Mease Valley Magazine for a tribute to Stewart. One that we will place here soon. 
My name is Stewart Tyler and I am the Associate Minister to the Mease Valley Churches.

I was ordained in June 2014 as Ordained Local Minister, which means that my ministry will remain ‘local’, in the Mease Valley.

I retired in 2009 after working as a Chartered Stuctural Engineer, the final 7 years being spent in Hong Kong and The United Arab Emirates as Regional Managing Director.

Originally from Coalville, I have lived in Chilcote since 1996 and have been married to Jackie since 1966. We have daughters Nicola and Caroline and grandchildren Charlie, Erin and Callum.

I am a lifelong fan of Leicester City and of most sports, mainly as a spectator these days apart from an occasional round of golf.

I am keen to see the Church assume a greater relevance in the lives of those who live in our villages, particularly the men.