Sunday Services Video Page. Watch anytime.


Welcome if you are new to our page This morning. Our Sunday services video page is right here.  Below you will find our Sunday services from recently and during lockdown. Do get in touch if you would like to ask us anything or to speak to someone, our details are below.

Our contact details:

Our Rector:

Our Assistant Minister:

Our Licensed Reader:

You can also find us on facebook at measevalleychurches

From Sunday 03rd April. The Fifth Sunday in Lent and on going. 

Our Lichfield Diocese Sunday video that goes live from 9.00am each week.

follow this link and then scroll down on the new page to find the video.


Sunday 13th March 2022. The Third Sunday in Lent.

A change for the better.


Sunday 13th March 2022. The Second Sunday in Lent.

Jesus refuses to change his plans

Our gospel reading for today is perhaps a strange passage of scripture – only five verses but with two distinct parts. In the first part, Jesus is warned, by the Pharisees, that Herod is going to kill him. Jesus responds by calling Herod a “fox” and saying he will go to Jerusalem anyway. In the second part, Jesus accuses Jerusalem of violence against the prophets. And yet, in a metaphor, Jesus reveals his desire to gather and protect the people of Jerusalem “as a hen gathers her brood under her wings” (v 34). However, Jesus refuses to change his plans. He will not go into hiding or leave until he is ready – intent on continuing his work – ‘according to the timetable He has set himself’ (v32) and seems unafraid of the threat. ‘Of whom shall I be afraid?’, the psalmist asks (v 1); by his actions, Jesus says, “Not Herod.” Jesus then gives us the image of himself as the mother hen, spreading her wings over the chicks. And why would the chicks gather around their mother and hide under her wings? Maybe because they are afraid. However, the people of Jerusalem are not running for cover. They are not afraid. But Jesus implies that they should be.


Sunday 6th March 2022. The First Sunday of Lent.

Tempted Sunday

A service of worship and praise including our Gospel reading from Luke Chapter 4, verses 1-13

Are you ever tempted?

Take some time to think about the following questions

What has tempted you?

What tempts you in life ?

What stops you acting on those temptations?


Sunday 27th Feb 2022. Breaking Boundaries. Jesus’ Transfiguration.

Featuring local photography from Elford Churchyard and The Walled Garden. Combining images of recent weather and storm damage to contrast with the beauty of springtime as it emerges around us.  Jesus’ Transfiguration (Luke chapter 9) reveals him as never before to his inner circle, and his later intervention for a local lad is attributed to God himself.

Whatever we might think of Jesus. Luke, our Gospel writer shows us that Jesus transcends any boundaries we can make for him.

Grab a cuppa and lets get going as we follow the story that changes everything.

here’s the link to click on to watch.


Sunday 20th Feb 2022. Jesus Calms the Storm

The text set for today from Luke’s gospel sees Jesus calm the storm.
Jesus and the disciples were in the boat on Lake Galilee. The lake of Galilee is about 13 miles long and 8 miles wide. It is also in a valley area so, when the wind whips up, the storms arrive even before you know it. It is reportedly very easy to get caught out in a storm on the lake.
And that, of course, is what happened to the disciples. There they were, sailing happily across the lake, when a gale comes up out of nowhere. They are frightened for their lives. They think they are about to sink. And, in the midst of all the problems, Jesus stays asleep in the back of the boat. In fact, if you read the story in Mark’s gospel, he tells us that Jesus was asleep on cushions!!
He was exhausted! So much was demanded of Jesus, healing, teaching – it is not surprising that, when he eventually did get some rest, he would fall into a very deep sleep indeed.
The disciples were desperate, their lives were in danger, they thought they would perish. Their faith was weak but, in their weakness, they called out to Jesus and he heard them and rescued them.


Sunday 13th Feb 2022. Overflowing blessing

Luke 6.17-26
In Luke’s gospel, this passage takes place at the bottom of a hill (not on ‘the mount’ where we hear the parallel passage, the Beatitudes, in Matthew’s Gospel). Luke’s version has balanced sets of four blessings and woes. Jesus was not spelling out four ways to be happy. Rather, he was describing the way things are inside and outside the kingdom. There is both a present (such as the rich having had the rewards) and a future (such as you will be filled, laugh) reference in the blessings and woes.
Jesus’ good news of the kingdom of God turns the world upside down. We are encouraged to live a blessed life. It is good to reflect on the blessings from God. We are blessed to be a blessing to others.

Grab a cuppa and click on the link just below:


Sunday 06th Feb 2022. Discipleship


Sunday 30th Jan 2022. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This service includes material from the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity for Britain and Ireland. The week of prayer for Christian Unity 2022 has been prepared by the churches of the Middle East. The history of the area has often been characterised by conflict and strife, even from the time of the birth of the Christ child. This service focusses on the familiar story of the Magi visiting the Holy Family in Bethlehem. In fact, the Magi have sometimes been viewed as a symbol of the world’s diversity: different religions and cultures, coming to pay homage to the Christ child. The Christians of the Middle East, conscious that the world shares many of the troubles and difficulties that it experiences, pray for a light to lead the way to the Saviour who is the Light of the world, the Light that overcomes darkness. They entitled the Week for Prayer, ‘We saw his star in the East’.


Welcome to our online service today, the 23rd Jan 2022:

Luke 4. 14-21

Jesus goes to his home synagogue in Nazareth. He reads out some verses from the scroll of Isaiah to the people present. He tells them that this Scripture is coming true today. The people listening to Jesus in the synagogue for the first time where he had grown up would have been shocked. They are hearing a neighbour expressing revolutionary views.
The readings remind us that God’s justice is for everyone, affirm our equality in God’s eyes and that we are all valuable, and invite us to take action in support of our community.

Follow the link to watch online:


The Baptism of Christ – Sunday 9th January 2022

The Season of Epiphany. The season that begins with the arrival of the Wise Men; includes the Baptism of Our Lord, and which points to the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. In some churches, it is the season that begins with the renewal of our own baptismal vows. A season of beginnings.

What an amazing preacher John the Baptist must have been! He didn’t hold back but told it like it was! No holds barred, he preached the law in all its force. And the crowds came in droves. This was exactly what the crowds wanted—someone who wouldn’t hold back, someone who would confront the injustice and corruption they’d been living with. In fact, as the people anticipated the coming Christ, the Messiah, they began to wonder if just maybe John was it. John was, in fact, the ‘herald’, someone else was coming—someone even greater than John— someone who would baptise with the Holy Spirit; someone who even John was not worthy of, not even worthy enough to help him untie his shoes. John pointed out in no uncertain terms that this someone was Jesus.

The baptism of Jesus marks the time when Jesus sets out on his public ministry. He chooses to do so not in the religious establishment, but rather at the hands of a man outside the system, somebody who will soon be executed. Jesus is making a statement, that he bringing something very different from the religious norm. Jesus is standing alongside the ordinary people in the desert, not with royalty in the king’s palace.


Sunday 16 January 2022 – The Gifts of the Spirit

A frost-biten blend of local photography from the friendly footpaths of the Mease Valley. Inspiration to get yourself a walk into the winter wonderland on your doorstep. Our video today combines Music, a hymn and prayers which are brought together in our service. Joshua leads our bible reading and Rector John looks at the gifts of the Holy Spirit from the Bible as part of this Epiphany season. This week we look specifically at Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth. God’s Holy Spirit at work transforming our lives for the good and building up of each other.


Sunday 9 January 2022 – the Word became flesh

Revd Dr Sharon Prentis, honorary Canon Theologian at Lichfield Cathedral:
Sermon can watched on this page or on YouTube, or download a reduced-file size version.


Sunday 2 January 2022 – Epiphany

The Ven Megan Smith, Archdeacon of Stoke-upon-Trent
Sermon can watched on this page or on YouTube, or download a reduced-file size version.


In his Christmas message, the Bishop of Lichfield, the Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave, says Christmas cannot be cancelled: (15th Dec)


Sunday 26 December 2021 – the Feast of St Stephen

Acts 7:51-60 and Matt 10:17-22

Rt Revd Jan McFarlane, Assistant Bishop:
Sermon can watched on this page or on YouTube, or download a reduced-file size version.


Good morning, Welcome to the 4th Sunday of Advent, 19th December.

Today we focus on Mary: Mother of Jesus. As she offers herself in complete obedience to God. 100% faithfulness and trust.
We hear how she greets and blesses Elizabeth with her good news and how Elizabeth’s baby, John the Baptist, jumps for joy in her womb, and Elizabeth is filled once more with the Holy Spirit, and reminds Mary she too is blessed among women. Being a blessing and giving a blessing has become more of the normal, especially at the beginning of the first Lockdown in 2020, although of late people are getting more anxious and less accepting of their neighbour. This Christmas and into the New Year, as we enter more uncertainty around the Pandemic, I urge you to follow the First and Second Commandments: Love God above all others, with your mind, body and soul, and love your neighbour as you love yourself.
Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord. Amen


Third Sunday of Advent, 12th Dec 2021.

Coming to you this Christmas time from the Mease Valley churches, with a guest appearance from ‘The Harlaston Clangers’ after a long period off. With delightful traditional carol, bible reading, talk and prayers too. Coming from a period of Christmas fairs, Christingle services with our schools and events out in cold and windy rural Tamworth. Nice!


Second Sunday of Advent, 5th Dec 2021.

Welcome to this online service and, thank you, for joining us.

Last Sunday we heard how Jesus prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem and, in time, the end of the world and his second coming in judgment. A couple of weeks from now we’ll focus on his first coming as a baby born in Bethlehem wrapped swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

In today’s text, John the Baptist heralds the coming of the Messiah. John who went into the country around the Jordan River preaching and telling people to prepare for the coming of the Lord. John called all the people of his day to be baptised.

At the time the Jews used baptism as a cleansing ritual when Gentiles converted to Judaism. The sting in John’s message was that he said that Jews also needed to be baptised.

The Bible tells us that Jesus will come again and, just as in the day of John the Baptist, it is important for us to make sure our hearts are clean and ready for the coming of the Lord. We do that by saying sorry for things that we have done which were wrong and caused hurt and by asking God to forgive us. If we do that, the Bible tells us that God will forgive us and make our hearts clean.

Luke completes this portion of his gospel by telling of how John went about proclaiming the words of Isaiah: “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make ready the way of the Lord. Make his paths straight”. We need to be ready all the time because, if we are ready, the gift that we receive is God’s precious gift of Jesus.


Advent Sunday, 28th Nov 2021.

Smashing images of animals and water life from our local area combined with music and a traditional song. Rector John brings us video footage from the Tame River this week and the Walled Gardens of Elford. Also our Gospel passage, short talk and prayers, as we get ready for the Advent Season..


Service of Remembrance 14th November 2021

This week we have moved away from Mark’s gospel and taken instead a reading from the Gospel of John (John 15: 9-17). It’s another passage filled with beautiful words as Jesus, who knows that the end of his time on earth is coming to an end, again gives his disciples instructions to ‘keep my commandments’.

He explains the deep nature of his love for them and reminds them of their commissioning. Jesus has to change their relationship with him; in other words to bring them on, so that the disciples can continue his work when he returns to his Father. This last gift of Jesus to his people is not any old gift but a gift of unconditional love.

In this remembrance service, the men and women, who we are remembering each made the ultimate sacrifice. Some left their homes and family in this peaceful corner of the world, received basic training, crossed the channel in crowded troopships and were eventually killed in the trenches and battlefields in Europe and other parts of the world. They gave up their lives doubtless for a variety of motives – yes, some out of love for their friends and comrades, some for love of family, some for duty to King and Country.

It is into these divisions that continue in parts of the world today, instances of greed and power seeking that Jesus calls for love – indeed, not just calls, but God through Jesus commands us to love. Not only that, Jesus reminds them and us – ‘you didn’t choose me but I chose you’.

A personal relationship of love and loyalty that is meant to last: and there is a test of both love and loyalty, through the command to ‘love one another’. A command, a duty, a responsibility, not to throw our lives away on some futile cause, some worldly exercise with no merit for our fellows, but rather to, metaphorically speaking, lay down our lives in his name: putting aside self-interest, abiding in his love and acting out his gospel.


Sunday 7th November 2021.

Beautiful photography and video capturing some of our local sights across the Mease Valley. This week Rector John is out and about in the countryside exploring this weeks fishing theme. With music, a Bible reading, talk, hymn and prayers combined and ready to enjoy.

Our video will go live from 5am on Sunday


Sunday 31st October 2021

Welcome and thank you for joining us today.

We’re in that time of year of remembering and celebrating the lives of individuals who have played a part in our lives, either directly or indirectly.

As the month of October draws to a close we celebrate in services called All Saints and All Soul’s Days; then into November and Remembrance Day services.

In St John’s Gospel there is the story of the raising of Lazarus. Lazarus and his two sisters were known to Jesus and when he became seriously ill, Martha and Mary sent for Jesus to help him.

The story of Lazarus has it all and, on closer reading, there is a clear message for us too. Metaphorically, the unbinding of the grave clothes in order that Lazarus can be set free is a message to us discard those habits, obsessions and addictions which hold us stuck in the secular world of today.

It is an invitation to step out of the darkness into the Light of Christ as we follow Christ’s teaching.

So why not grab a cup of tea or coffee, your bible and join with the many people who, today especially, will be remembering and celebrating the life of those they have lost


Sunday 24th October. The invitation, our call.

A service for Bible Sunday 2021. With resources from the Bible Society. Based on the reading from Isaiah 55 ‘Come, all you who are thirsty’ An opportunity to hear about the work of the Bible Society and how we can help them share The Word, by Opening the Bible to those who have yet to hear the message of Christ.
And in Church services today taking place at
St Peter’s Elford Holy Communion 10.15am.
St Matthew’s Chilcote, All Souls. 10.15am.
Light and love to all


Sunday 17th October. Our online service.

With autumn photography spread throughout, a beautiful hymn, bible reading, talk and prayer. This week coming from Harlaston Village. Why not put the kettle on and enjoy a little time to reflect and to pray.  click the video link below to begin.

Services also taking place this morning at our church buildings.

Harvest Service at St. Matthew’s church, Harlaston 10.15am.

Praise and Worship at Holy Trinity church, Edingale 10.15am.

A Baptism Service at St. Andrews’ church, Clifton Campville 10.15am.


Sunday 10th October 

Please find the link to the Church of England Black History Month Holy Communion service

This goes live at 9am on Sunday 10th October.

Our services in our churches across the Mease Valley today are 

10.15am Harvest Festival at Holy Trinity Church, Edingale

10.15am Harvest Festival St Peter’s Church, Elford


4.00pm Harvest Festival at St Matthew’s church,  Chilcote.

Today’s Gospel focuses on the book of Mark 10.17-31
A rich man asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus challenges him to sell his possessions and give the money to the poor. The man feels unable to do this; he is too attached to what he has. This, Jesus says, makes it hard for rich people to enter the kingdom; following him involves sacrifice and letting go. We are reminded that eternal life cannot be bought or achieved through completing a list of tasks but only by being in relationship with God. Loving God is the most important thing we can do, and that must come first.


Our online Harvest Service Video for Sunday 3rd October. Ready to see from Sunday morning.

Celebrating Harvest.

In some parts of the country, as well as here in the Mease Valley, congregations and communities are celebrating harvest with services and harvest picnics, lunches and suppers. In other places, people are not so fortunate and may be feeling that they have very little to celebrate.

For this service we remain with Mark’s Gospel, looking at the ways in which the parable of the sower applies to us as we endeavour to cultivate the promise of God in our lives; so that our footsteps may be worthy of following the path that leads to our Creator God.

As we prepare to celebrate harvest, we need to remember that giving thanks should be more than a once-a-year celebration. Giving thanks to God is never out of season. God calls us to be thankful people, giving thanks for the many blessings that he pours upon us every day.

So grab your bible and perhaps a cuppa, join us as we give thanks to God our Father.


Two services to choose from this Sunday morning, 26th Sept.

One from the Diocese and One from Revd. John taken just last year at this time.

In our Physical services this weekend we have a service of

Holy Communion at St. Andrew’s church, Clifton Campville at 10.15am

also a Baptism service at St. Peter’s church, Elford at 10.15am

you would be most welcome at either service.


Our online service for Sunday 19th September. ready to see from Sunday morning. 

We continue our journey in Marks Gospel, Jesus is teaching his disciples once more about his ultimate sacrifice, that he must suffer, be betrayed, die, and rise again. The disciples don’t want to listen or are afraid too, so they argue amongst themselves instead. Who is the best, the greatest, the first! They jostle for position.
If the disciples seemed confused by Jesus’ statement about his death and resurrection, this next statement has not made the confusion any less. He speaks of the first being last and the last first. Is Jesus telling his friends that, in the bigger picture, their argument about greatness was redundant? Jesus’ own way of life showed humility and servanthood. Those who declared themselves the greatest had clearly not understood the message he brought. To Jesus – in the kingdom of God – the greatest are those who regard themselves as the least, and act accordingly.
Offering ourselves in ‘servanthood’ is the key to this morning’s reading, those who would consider themselves first become last. Once more Jesus turns our thinking upside down.

Join us online see the link above or in church today:
Holy Trinity Edingale 10.15am Holy Communion
St Matthew’s Harlaston 10.15am Praise and Worship
Have a great day, Peace be with you.


Click below for our online Service, available anytime from the 12th September.

In our gospel reading we have Jesus checking with his disciples on the progress of his
ministry. ‘Who do people say that I am?’, Jesus asked. The answers suggest that there
was some recognition, some estimation that this chap was a bit special, Elijah or John
the Baptist. There was a widely held expectation of the coming of a Messiah, the basis
of the Jewish religion. A Messiah in the future, but not now and surely not this wanderer.
So having got the answer which confirmed that the penny hadn’t dropped with the
people who heard him, Jesus asked the disciples who they said he was. Peter came
straight back, ‘You are the Messiah’, for which he was rebuked by Jesus, who then told
them not to tell anyone about him.
Jesus uses their language. He talks about gaining the world but forfeiting their life, asks
what they will give in return for eternal life. It is not an easy call being a follower,
answering the call. It is certainly not just about being in church buildings, although that is
a key part of it. It is about being present spiritually, if not physically, every day of your life,
wherever you are, in God’s presence. It is about recognising Jesus as the Son of God
and by the small things of our actions and our words, living our lives for him, today and
every day.
We invite you to grab and cuppa and join us, listening to the words and music in our


Join us for our online Service today, 5th September.

Crossing Boundaries.

Enjoying a different perspective while out on holiday, Rector John returns to Edingale to show the work almost complete inside.  Our readings today look at Jesus crossing the barriers of his day

Steaming into Gentile territory, over land, sea and harbour. This week we journey with Jesus into two encounters one in Tyre and the other at Sidon, both ‘out of bounds’ in terms of the people he meets.

Both of these healing accounts will open up Jesus’ ministry and cause him to cross known Jewish boundaries and shake expectations of what the Messiah had come to bring. The lasting influence of these testimonies would surely have encouraged the fledgling gentile church, and it challenges us today to look at our own welcome and accommodation to people on the fringes and who might be in need of community and friendship on their terms.

Crossing Boundaries into the Kingdom.


Welcome to the online service for 29th August.

Outside or Inside?

This week we move from John’s Gospel to the Gospel according to Mark. The passage from Mark’s gospel records that some Pharisees and scribes accuse Jesus’ disciples of eating with unwashed hands.

The encounter comes after the feeding of the five thousand so the crowd will still be recounting and marvelling at what Jesus had just done. Not only that but that event was followed by Jesus calming the lake as the disciples struggled with the boat in a storm.

Jesus is clearly angry. He tells the Pharisees that what is important is not what is eaten and enters the body but rather, our words and actions.

The choices we make, the words we speak demonstrate what is important to us and the values that we hold.

Today’s gospel reading invites us to reflect on our lives as we try to follow Jesus’ teaching and what we may need to change, in order, to live as disciples.

Grab a cuppa and immerse yourself in the words and music.


Sunday August 22nd.

Sunday August 15th


Sunday August 8th.

Jesus describes himself as the ‘bread of life’. This causes consternation among the crowd. There is a very real sense of disbelief that the son of a local carpenter could do anything other than follow the family trade, and certainly not talk about having come from heaven. Jesus explains his claim and compares himself to the bread that their ancestors and Moses received in the desert.

Here is the link to today’s service on YouTube

Sunday 8th August Service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church Elford at 10.15am

Joint Mease Valley Service: All Welcome.


Bread of Life – 1st August 2021.

After Jesus is nowhere to be found, the crowds having experienced a miracle, leave to return to Capernaum. The ‘quest to find Jesus’ soon becomes the quest to find ‘eternal life’.

When bread is considered fairly ordinary in our time. How will we consider Jesus’ teaching about being the source of eternal life?


Sharing what we have! – 25th July 2021.

The feeding of the five thousand, a familiar story for many people. Jesus surrounded by a large crowd, he had been teaching and healing. It was the end of a hot, dusty day and the people were hungry. Jesus wants to feed the crowd but the disciples say that it will cost too much.

Then Andrew finds a young boy who has five loaves and two small fish: that meagre amount of food surely won’t be enough!

Jesus gets everyone to sit down, blesses the food which is distributed to the crowd.

How could that happen? The truth is that we can never know.

Maybe the point of the story is not to worry about whether it happened or not, but rather what the story itself is trying to say.

It reminds us that God can work with the meagre offerings of the people of God to do great things for the needs of this world. It says that God can take the things we see as insignificant, that we’ve tucked away and kept hidden from those around us and He can use them. It says that when we’ve got almost nothing to give, God can use that too. God takes the things that we see as insignificant and can use them to great significance!


The House that Jack built – Sunday 11th July

This ‘God parent Sunday’, 11th July 2021.
Rector John goes in search of some wisdom to look at the building work imagery in a familiar parable of Jesus.

Using images from the local area, a simple song and some scholarly material to explore the picture that Jesus gives in from Matthew chapter 7 (after Jesus’ sermon on the mount)

come and join us.


Seize the moment – 4th July

This week we hear of Jesus sending out the disciples in pairs and taking nothing with them for the journey. By the time Jesus returned to his home town of Nazareth, the stories of his healings and miracles had spread far and wide.

Jesus was surprised by the unbelief of the crowd, and not because he was expecting to be welcomed as a home town hero. What they failed to see was that Jesus was following in his father’s footsteps-his heavenly Father’s.

As a result of that lack of faith, they missed the greatest miracle of all. Let’s not miss opportunities to step out, spread the good news of the kingdom of God. Seize the moment!


Sunday 27th June. Reaching Out In Faith

We look once more at Marks Gospel Chapter 5 this week, gives us Jesus in a crowd, being pushed and shoved and jostled along, yet he feels a touch: the touch of someone reaching out in faith.

That touch is known to Jesus, he has given healing love and wants to know who he gave it to!!

The crowd can’t believe he can tell that ‘One person’ touched him: how can that be?!!

When we need Jesus’ touch all we have to do is reach out and he will respond, in love, to our cry for help.

God is with us, he hears us, he sends his love and heals our, hurts.


Jesus calms the storm.  Father’s Day June 20th. 2021

While the waves hit the side of the boat and threaten to capsize the team with one thing after another this week. Rector John reflects on where Jesus might be in the midst of it all, asleep in the stern or calming the waters?


Unseen Growth – Sunday 13th June 2021

Join us as we continue to learn more about the Kingdom of God.

In today’s reading from the Gospel according to St Mark (chapter 4: verses 26-34), Jesus again uses parables to challenge our thinking about how God works: and he uses agricultural images to achieve this. The kingdom of God is really about the reign of God in the world which God gave us to inhabit. The parables illustrate the fact that everything that happens in the kingdom, happens by the power and will of God. By our actions we can hinder or prevent its growth but we cannot create it, we are His hands and feet to do His will. God’s kingdom starts in us from the smallest of beginnings as we hear and receive God’s word which then works unseen inside of each one of us and results in mind-changing, life transformations. But just as a seed has no power to change itself until it is planted in fertile soil, so we can only be changed and brought to new life through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Sunday 06th June 2021 – The Sunday after Trinity.

Our online service today explores Marks Gospel, Chapter 3. Jesus is at logger heads with the Church officials, he calls his twelve disciples, and explains using parables that he can not be the Devil. Jesus once more is cleverer than the officials expect. Jesus goes on to explain that ‘family’ is everybody, we are all Children of God, mother, father, brother sister! We come together as one family within the Love of God.


Sunday 30th May 2021 – Trinity Sunday.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

A beautiful start to the day, with images taken in and around the Mease Valley. A gorgeous song to enjoy, Trinity inspired prayer and Bible reading from John’s Gospel chapter 3.

Pull up a chair and join us around the fire, as we explore ‘being born anew’


Sunday 23rd May 2021 – Pentecost

God sent His Holy Spirit as He promised

This week we hear about the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

First century Jews would have been very familiar with Pentecost, a time of new beginnings. The three readings set for today fit together beautifully. An extract from John’s account (John 15:26-27; 16:4b- 15) of Jesus explaining to the disciples how they will be helped and supported in their life and ministry after He had left them. Luke’s account from the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1-21) of the events of Pentecost which would deliver what Jesus had promised and finally, a passage from Paul’s letter to the Romans in which he uses the metaphor of new birth to creation groaning in labour to signify the coming of the Holy Spirit.

We ask the question, what can we learn?


May 16th – Seventh Sunday of Easter.

Today we hear from the Book of Acts: Peter’s ministry explores the establishment of the church, the community of believers began by faith in the risen Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit, who enabled them to witness, to love and to serve. And from the Gospel of John, where we find lessons for life. Jesus has been explaining to his followers that He is the vine and we are the branches and He will enable us to bear fruit, Jesus then moves on to help us to pray, in His name, He then prays for His disciples and therefore he prayers for us too.


May 9th – Sixth Sunday of Easter.

Friendship, Light and Joy.

What sort of friendships do you have? Do you think of Jesus as a Good friend?

This morning our video looks at the Passages from John 15.9-17, and 1 John 5.1-6. As we explore some of the themes together and a little of their traditional history and context. Our service contains images from the Mease Valley and plenty of wildlife, and beautiful song and some rogation prayers for the land and sea and it’s harvest.

This weekend we are particularly remembering Josie Dale, a loved member of our villages, a friend of ours who passed away during the week.

We have live services taking place this morning as well as our video service. you would be most welcome to attend.

St. Peter’s church, Elford at 10.15am for Holy Communion

St. Andrew’s church, Clifton Campville at 10.15am for Praise and Worship.


May 2nd – Fifth Sunday of Easter

Jesus said, “I am the true vine” (John 15:1-8)

This week we hear of Jesus, as he tells his disciples that ‘he is the true vine’ and his Father, the vine-grower. The disciples are the branches.

God plants, prunes and provides in order that they, and we, may grow as faithful servants and bear good fruit; just as the vine which is pruned and nourished bares good fruit.

There is a vine in Elford Walled garden which has been pruned and is being carefully nurtured; it will be interesting to observe the fruit that may be produced.


25th April 2021 (our service will be available from Sunday Morning)

The fourth Sunday of Easter, this week we explore the Christ the cornerstone and Christ The Good Shepherd. Christ is risen, and we follow the story in the book of Acts, Peter has healed the lame man in the name of Christ, yet the leaders want to know by whose power or by what name did he do this? Peter starts teaching, he is filled with the Holy Spirit and reminds them that they killed Jesus Christ of Nazareth, they rejected the cornerstone, the one who came to offer us salvation.

In John’s gospel we are told that Christ is The Good Shepherd and He will lay down his life for His flock, He lays down His life in order to take it up again. Once more He foretells of His death and resurrection.


Third Sunday of Easter – 18th April 2021 (our service will be available from Sunday Morning)

Featuring local scenes, and wildlife this morning around Chilcote church and village Hall, in the Mease Valley.

We have beautiful spring themed music, and readings from local members of our villages.

We Look together at a third resurrection account, this time from Luke’s gospel. Do we need the Ghost Busters ? or is something amazing taking place out of this world.

Our prayers are with all those grieving, who have lost loved ones and those who’s anniversary falls at this time.


Second Sunday of Easter – 11th April 2021 (our service will be available from Sunday Morning)

The story of Thomas, doubting or just being honest?

The story of ‘doubting Thomas’ is often seen as a negative one. He was the disciple, who at the time, wouldn’t believe without seeing the risen Jesus. He wanted to see the evidence for himself. He could have just gone along with his friends, that would have been easy, but he wanted to see for himself. He was being honest, not pretending, even though he wasn’t sure. So is doubt a bad thing? Are we wrong to doubt God? Is it right to be living in a state of ‘perfect’ faith all of the time? Actually, it’s ok to doubt. In fact, it’s important to wrestle with our doubts and questions, to be honest and open about them – isn’t that how we learn and gain greater understanding? In fact, there is something very important for us to learn in the exchange between Jesus and Thomas, we don’t have to understand everything; we don’t have to be able to explain everything! We are all at different stages of our journey of faith – perhaps, like the disciples who met Jesus, there are days/times when you feel full of faith or perhaps like Thomas, when you feel like you need some more convincing. Wherever we’re at, we can come to Jesus with the mix of faith and doubt that we have and say, “I believe, help my unbelief” and He will.


Easter Sunday, 4th April. Our service is ready to watch. Happy Easter everyone!


Service of Reflection for Good Friday 2nd April

In this service of reflection, readings trace the story of Christ’s passion, music, his pathos, and the power of silence suggests the drama of that momentous day. As the service progresses, we are invited to ponder the depth of Christ’s suffering and death; we remember the nature of his sacrifice and anticipate the joy of ultimate victory.

Whether or not you are able to join us on Good Friday at St Peter’s Church, Elford, we hope that the service will help you to reflect on a story of betrayal and execution which occurred more than two thousand years ago.


Service of Reflection for Maundy Thursday 1st April

Looking at the role of sevice in Jesus’ example to his disciples. Todays reflection comes from St. Peter’s churchyard in Elford during the quinqenniel inspection of the church fabric.  Views from the rooftop and calming birdsong in the churchyard combine to create a space to think about whats most important.


Sunday 28th March. Palm Sunday (Video will upload for Sunday)

Our service today seeks to show something of Jesus’ Triumphant entry into Jerusalem and to explore some of the tension surrounding Jesus’ rejection when he gets there.

Beautiful hymns accompany our prayers and Bible readings. Palm crosses available now from outside each of our churches.

Pull up a chair, get the coffee on, come and join us as we follow the rabbi. Download our pews news here

Reading sheet – Palm Sunday (1)

The Churches in the Mease Valley invite you to an informal Coffee and Catch up ‘Zoom’ today at 11am. Why not stop by to say hi and see a few familiar faces?

To join a Zoom Meeting. Click below on the link and when/if prompted insert the Meeting ID and Passcode. If you want to call Revd. John to help with this and to get to connected (01827) 373 257 call between 9.30am – 10.30am to leave enough time to begin. You do need a camera and microphone on your laptop/PC/smart phone/Tablet.

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking this link below

Meeting ID: 874 6439 2413

Passcode: 217424


Sunday 21st March. The fifth Sunday of Lent (Video will upload for Sunday)

‘Sir, we want to see Jesus’


During the course of the service for today, we will hear a reading from John’s gospel. This reading is set in the context of the Jewish festival of Passover – one of the holiest feast days of the Jewish faith. Tens of thousands of faithful pilgrims would flock to the temple at Jerusalem from all over the Mediterranean to celebrate Passover, making their sacrifices to God and paying their half shekel temple tax. They’d come from as far away as Persia, Syria, Egypt, Greece and Rome. John says, “Now among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and said to him, ‘Sir, we wish to see Jesus.’” (John 12:21) Such a simple request, “we wish to see Jesus” – for, isn’t it true, wouldn’t we all, in one way or another, like to see Jesus? This is the theme for our service.

You can follow this link to our service video


Sunday 14th March. Mothering Sunday. (Video will upload for Sunday)

Hello everyone this Mothering Sunday, we have an opportunity to thank all those who take the time to care for us. Anyone who has a caring role gives freely of their love and compassion.

Our mothers are usually that person, for others, it might be an aunt or a distant relative, or if you are fostered or adopted it is someone who cares enough to want to help you.

Being a carer takes a lot of energy, patience, and thoughtfulness. It is not easy being nice, it is a really hard job, so being able to say thank you, is really important.

This year I would like you to take a moment to ‘seeing differently’ mothers, others, and God.

Grab your bible and join me on this journey of discovery.

Also, if you are free please join us for a cuppa and a chat: 11am

We have a casual Zoom invitation, no pressure, just an opportunity to see some faces and join in the conversation.

Mease Valley Benefice is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Coffee and Chat

Time: Mar 14, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 883 3766 8483

Passcode: 531157

Reading sheet 14th March


Sunday 7th March. The Third Sunday of Lent.

Our Readings Sheet for today

When a bunch of slaves on the run in the wilderness, find themselves lost, and following a murderer to the foot of a mountain it’s a story that we expect to end in tragedy. yet, a great people is re-born. Upon tablets of stone, a set of laws was inscribed that would make them markedly different to their previous masters, and would set them up for a life in community.

Years later, when Jesus goes to rescue his people from their slavery to sin and death, like Moses, he gets the cold shoulder. undeterred, he returns to his father’s house only to find the situation can’t wait any longer. His decision to act was dramatic and challenging.

Shaping ‘up’ for Mission could feel much the same. To become markedly different as a church, to expect challenge and change. perhaps even the cold shoulder as we do. To regain and re-explore what it means to be God’s community of believers post Covid. Shaping for Mission in the world ahead.


Friday 5th March. The Third Sunday of Lent

welcome to the World Day of Prayer

World Day of Prayer ‘Build on a Strong Foundation’

Celebrating The Christian Women of VANUATU

  • By cheque, made payable to WDP, sent to WDP, Commercial Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2RR
  • By online donation via the WDP website – – minimum donation £10
  • By TEXT message from your mobile phone. TEXT 2021WDP 5 to 70085 to donate £5. Any amount can be donated up to £40 just add the sum after 2021WDP and your text will cost the amount plus one standard rate message.
  • By cash to the branch Treasurer Janet Jones: for details contact
  • If you are a taxpayer, please don’t forget to Gift Aid

Blessings Revd Nicola


Sunday 28th February. The Second Sunday of Lent

Learning a difficult truth

In the passage from Mark’s gospel (Mark chapter 8, verses 31-38), we find Jesus, now on the last lap of his journey to the cross. A journey he’d known about all along but which the disciples hadn’t grasped. They saw him as the Messiah, the prophesied Messiah, the hoped-for Messiah, but a Messiah understood with the human mind, the normal way of thinking. The disciples just didn’t understand! But Jesus knew that it was necessary for them to understand, otherwise they would miss the whole point of His ministry – that He came to give His life for the salvation of them and us.

Jesus tells us that we should, “deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow him”. To deny oneself doesn’t mean a misplaced kind of humility. We are being called to do the very best we can with the gifts and talents that God has given us: to keep our priorities in harmony with what Jesus taught us, to follow the two great commandments – to love God and our neighbour.

Our Video can be accessed from Sunday morning here

28th Feb 2021. 2nd Sunday of Lent


Sunday 21st February. The First Sunday of Lent

Welcome to this online service for the first Sunday in Lent, 2021. We explore God’s promise to us all that He will never leave us and will always be by our side: ‘The Rainbow’ is a sign of that promise, a covenant between God and all living creatures on earth.

The Rainbow has also been a very obvious sign for the last 11 months of hope and care, we have more awareness of this sign because of the care and hope given to us by the NHS and all frontline workers, we may have entered our own ‘wilderness’ and been tempted by doing things we shouldn’t but in the end if we ask God to come alongside, He will, and in turn we can walk with Him and follow Him. God sees us, as we are, let us be waiting to hear His call.

Pews News 1st Sunday of Lent


Sunday 14th February. St Valentines Day

This week we look at memorable experiences that can help us to put our trust in God even when things look dark and uncertain. 

Jesus’ close followers on the mountain side witnessed his transformation and saw something of his true identity revealed. An experience that would shape their own perception going forward, even if they were lost for words when it happened.

With music out of this world, and a touch of local photography. There is every chance that this valentine’s Day, God’s love will melt even the coldest of days.

Pull up a screen, a hot drink and indulge.


Would you like to make a donation to a specific Church in the Mease Valley?

here’s the link you need.

Online donations page



Sunday 7th February.

In the service for today, we are invited to reflect on the words of John (John 1:1-14) as he points us to Jesus, the Word, the Son of God. The beginning of John’s Gospel is of importance since he sets down very clearly that only through Jesus will we learn about God and His love for each one of us. This is of even greater importance as we move towards Lent and the examination of our personal relationship with God our Father.

Here you can download a copy of our Bible reads sheet for this Sunday

Here you can download a copy of a poem to accompany our service


Sunday 31st January.

Welcome our service for the fourth Sunday of Epiphany and share with us the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.

Listen to the joy and the pain that was experienced by Simeon, Anna and Mary the mother of Christ. We hope that you enjoy sharing this time with us, hearing from our friends ‘downunder’ and delighting in the scripture of St Luke.

Hear The Rt. Revd Matthew Parker explore the Gospel reading and welcome three churchwardens, as they are admitted to their roles by Revd John.

Come and rejoice, together we can share the love, peace and joy of the Christ Child.

Sunday 24th January. Churches Together. A Celebration of Christian Unity in Britain and Ireland.

This year our churches decided to collaborate online, as we could not meet all together physically (as we have in previous years.) We decided to make the most of our Christian Unity in and around the Mease Valley with a video. Usually we take it in turns, who will host the service, and we keep to a theme. Our material this year draws primarily from the Sisters Community of Grandchamp, Switzerland. Our theme is ‘Abide with me’ taken from John’s gospel, chapter 15th, chosen by the community. Our service combines this imagery with scenes from our local areas.

Come and join us in this wet, windy and delightful area of our village communities. Be inspired by, some humour, some stillness, some touching moments recorded in our local area this week and last as we seek to abide in our Lord and to bear good fruit.

Sunday 17th January 2021. Epiphany Season. Come and See

On this occasion we hear about two friends, Phillip and Nathaniel, who had an unexpected encounter with Jesus and reacted in very different ways. Nathaniel, who appears to have tasted disappointment and has turned cynical but who comes face to face with Jesus Christ, and because of that personal encounter his perspective changes as Christ promises him greater insight than he had ever dreamed.


Sunday 10th January 2021. Epiphany Season.

People came from the surrounding town and countryside to see John, and to be baptized by him in the river Jordan. For one stranger it was the decisive moment, a moment that would bring change and would impact thousands upon hundreds of thousands of lives and our world’s history forever.

This Sunday as we think about Jesus’ baptism, we consider our own baptism and our own contribution to our communities that we service.

For our two Bible readings to follow today, here is our reading sheet. to follow our passages.


Sunday 3rd January 2021. Epiphany.

Looking for God, finding the one who is revealed:

Epiphany ‘to reveal’ God with us, Emmanuel is revealed to us and to many others, Jew and Gentile, neighbour and stranger, rich and poor.

Come on this journey and follow the star with the Wise Men, heading West they find the one who has been revealed to them. As it was written so shall it be.

Prayers, reflection, hymns, and a warm welcome to 2021.

Follow the service link and follow the star.


Friday 25th Dec – Sunday 27th Dec 2020.

Christmas Morning and The Sunday after Christmas we will be joining in with services from our Friends at Lichfield Cathedral.

Thursday 24th Dec 2020. Christmas Eve.

Happy Christmas Eve,

Follow the link for the Church of Englands service for Christmas at the end of this reflection, take care and stay safe 🙂

Follow this link for a advent reflection.

Sunday 20th Dec 2020. The Fourth Sunday of Advent.

In this service, the fourth Sunday of Advent, we continue our journey through Advent. We remember Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the visit of the Angel Gabriel to tell her that she has been chosen to be the mother of God’s only Son.


Sunday 13th Dec 2020. The Third Sunday of Advent.

This week our Advent journey takes us through the cool winter mists, and into the warmth of Advent candles and cheering hymns. We explore John the Baptist’s ministry in the Jordan and ask how his presence in the advent story can inspire our own preparations for Christmas.

Sunday 6th Dec 2020. The second Sunday of Advent.

The Advent Season is all about preparation: preparing the way.

“‘The beginning of the Good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God….’See I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way, the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight.’” Mark 1-1:3

During 2020 we have had more time than ever to reflect on our lives, our situations, and the people around us. Some of us have had a really hard year and others have just about coped and others are ok thank-you very much.

Whichever way your year has gone, Advent is a time to collect your thoughts, prepare yourself and those around you for the coming of the Greatest Gift, ever known to man: Jesus Christ. ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ John1-5

So, as we gather on this Second Sunday in Advent, we will come together in Peace, come together and worship the Light of the World. Come together, ready and alert, and see the patience of our Lord as salvation.

God’s blessing you all this day and for all your tomorrows: if you need to discuss anything about today’s service, your faith, or how you are feeling please do contact one of the team and we will do our best to help, answer, assist you: Advent Peace be with you.

Today’s Service on YouTube:


A Service of Healing & Renewal

Sunday 29th Nov 2020

This week we are sharing a service of healing and renewal which we hope will help to alleviate some of the pain, suffering and weariness that some might be feeling. As followers of Christ, we can be certain of His unfailing and embracing love. When we turn to Him, He will give us strength to cope with the unprecedented times, and other challenges, we are living with and through. Thank you for sharing this time with us. Stay safe.


Sunday 22nd November.

This week, our service comes from St. Peter’s Church Elford, where we would have began celebrating a birthday for the restoration work inside the church 150 years ago. Elford church is one of three buildings that has stood and grown on the site since the 12th Century, you can read more about its history here

Join us as we look back to the past and meet some familiar faces too, we  have used some of the same readings and hymn that were enjoyed 150 years ago, to keep with the theme.  Sometimes it can be through looking back that we can see God’s faithfulness more clearly, across previous generations and be assured of his care for us today and going forward.

(Apologies from Revd. John, who would have featured in part today but was needed for emergency call outs. Keep up the good work Rector John.)

Sunday 15th November.

Bible Focus this week: 1 Thessalonians:5 1-11

Coming, Ready or Not!’ This week’s online offering: as we focus on the light and love of Christ: we travel once more to Thessalonica with Paul. Where we explore the faith, hope, and love that is on offer, if we are ready or not, the Love of Jesus Christ is going to find us.

Christian’s that shine with the internal light and love of Christ, shine brighter than the brightest star: shine bright, and shine like a beautiful light into the darkest of places.

The light of Christ, a light no darkness can ever put out.

Grab a coffee and sit back, light a candle if you wish: but do everything in the love that is for you from Jesus Christ: and do it safely.


Sunday 8th November.

8th November Remembrance Service across the Mease Valley Benefice.

Here is our service for Remembrance Sunday: 8th November 2020.

The four churches with War Memorial’s have laid their Poppy Wreathes and we can watch the service here, there is a bible reading, a reflection on how we remember and what memories are and how we cherish them.

Each of the following churches met socially distanced and respecting COVID-19 procedures to bring you this compilation to honour all the war heroes from across the Mease Valley Benefice of churches.

We hope you will be somewhere warm when you watch this, please be aware that some of the churches are open on set days for ‘private prayer’ please see the churches website and Facebook posts for information. Thank you.

God bless everyone, stay safe, stay at home, and protect all those we love. Amen

Sunday 1st November.

All Souls Day (2nd Nov 2020) is the day on which we remember those we have loved and now cannot see; we give thanks for their lives and for their part in ours.

So please receive our online service a day early, as we reflect on that love, from them to us, us to them and from Jesus Christ to us all.

Get comfortable and enjoy this message of love, maybe have a cup a coffee or tea, we hope you enjoy.

Stay safe, stay well: remember to love and love unconditionally. And Jesus responded:

‘Today you will be with me in paradise.’

We also have services in three of our churches today:

All at 10.15am at

St Matthew’s Harlaston,  Holy Trinity Edingale, and St Andrew’s Clifton Campville

Sunday 25th October

We continue to hear of Paul’s ministry, this time in Colossae part of the Roman territory of Asia (part of modern Turkey). The church at Colossae began during Paul’s three year ministry at Ephesus although he had not been to that city. This letter was written while Paul was a prisoner in Rome. He was writing to warn the Colossians of the difficulties that they were about to face as followers of Christ: to strengthen their resolve, to put off the old self and let the love of Christ into their very beings.

We too need to strengthen our resolve and readiness as we wait for the coming of Christ (Matthew 24:30-35).

Grab a cuppa, your bible, sit back and continue the journey with us.

Sunday 18th October

Heading down to the Lake. Let us travel to Thessalonica, and join the journey with Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy: as we attempt to imitate Paul who ultimately imitated Christ. As a key influencer, Christ leads, and we follow.

As we learn about Christ, we receive the faith, hope and love of knowing that our Saviour gave everything for us and we can grow in strength and abide in the comfort of His healing embrace, as we share the story and message of the Good News.

Becoming imitators of Christ and influencing others to take this journey of discovery and delight, encouraging others to become Christians today, tomorrow and forever.

Grab a coffee, your bible and some space, sit back and enjoy the journey with us today.

Sunday 11th October.

As well as Mental Health awareness being prominent this weekend. It falls also at the time that we remember World Homeless Day.

Today’s video, clips and photos, come from our nearby town of Tamworth. We cast our eyes on the help and support that we can find for those that find themselves without shelter in our home town, or who are otherwise in need of help.

We can find that many of our local services offer support on a variety of levels. Our local food bank for example, is there to help anyone who would otherwise be struggling. Today’s video asks us to partner with local support networks to become part of the wider care in our own community.

Our thanks go to Tamworth Street Angels for a few photos from their Facebook page, included today.


Sunday 4th October.

It’s Harvest Time.

We remember all the hard work by so many of our local farmers and fisherman. Those working on the land and at sea.  Time to show our appreciation and to take time to thank God who makes us Stewards of the harvest.  This year despite the extra precautions, our farmers have pulled out all the stops to get the harvest ‘from field to folk’.

Our churches in the Mease Valley have been gathering local produce to bless others near by and we are continuing to collect tins, sauce, packets, toiletries and all sorts to send to Tamworth Food Bank so that everyone may enjoy the fruits of the work.

Make a cuppa and and enjoy some of the sights in our service right on your door step.

Sunday 27th Sept.

We are looking this morning ‘at making choices and having the ability to choose.’  Settle down with a cup of tea/coffee, and enjoy. Readings read this week by my sister in Australia: Diane and also Bill Field. Thank you to both of them for helping out.

Have a great Sunday and hope to see you soon,

Our ‘in church’ services are both at 10.15am this morning:

St Andrew’s Church, Clifton Campville Harvest Festival

St Peter’s Church, Elford, Holy Communion.

Have a great Sunday and hope to see you soon,

Sunday 20th Sept.

St. Paul’s heartfelt letter to the Philippians brings a conflicting decision for the apostle to make about whether he goes on in service to the churches and to God, or resigns himself to death and a fitting end to his ministry. imprisoned as he is, the decision may be taken out of his hands.

Inspiration for today and hope for tomorrow.
Paul conquers his feelings and upholds to draw near to God in whatever his end may look like.

This mornings service is recorded at St. Andrew’s Churchyard in the Mease Valley and contains the bible reading for today, prayers and music too. You can download our readings for this morning right here.


Sunday 13th Sept.

Make yourself a cuppa, grab your bible and take a comfy seat.

This week we are focusing on forgiveness: giving it and receiving it!

How many times should we offer forgiveness, 7 times? 70 x 7 times? When is enough, enough?

Sit back and enjoy, readings, hymns and prayers with a reflection to make you think 😊

As well as our online service video this weekend, we have services taking place at St. Andrew’s Clifton Campville at 10.15am for Holy Communion and also a service at St. Peter’s church Elford, 10.15am for Praise and Worship. Places of Worship are still open on alternative Sunday’s and with Covid measures in place for our protection


September 6th.

Coming to you this week from the Small Hamlet of Chiclote, in the Mease Valley and from the Rural Church of St. Matthew’s. Our Reader Jackie Tyler, presents the Gospel message and explains how it is vital for our own moral and spiritual character. Our service contains a reading, a beautiful hymn to a well known tune, and prayers from the congregation. Why not join us for a service this morning, or anytime of the day!

We are also having two services in our buildings this weekend, one at Harlaston church for a Traditional (Socially distanced) Holy Communion at 8.45am. Also for a Service of Praise and Worship at Edingale church that was featured just last week. the service is at 10.15am and you would be welcome.

Sunday, August 30th.

The Life of the Christian is marked by love and the transforming presence of God’s Holy Spirit. Having looked at the work of the Holy Spirit in Paul’s letter to the church in Rome, we now look at Paul’s teachings to the early church about the Hallmarks of Christ’s Love for one another and for those outside the community of faith.  Paul’s words are not for the faint hearted but are intended to provoke and challenge our attitudes and behaviour.

You can download our readings sheet right here to follow.

Sunday, August 23rd.

Good morning one and all.

Welcome to our weekly Online offering of Worship and Praise, this week is 23rd August 11th Sunday after Trinity.

Grab a bible, light a candle, and settle down for prayers, bible readings, reflection and a chance to share the faith of following Jesus Christ.

This week Jackie Tyler helps us to reflect on the question that Jesus asks of his disciples and still asks of us today: ‘Who do you say I am?’ We are being asked to put our faith out there and give our answer: who do we say Jesus is? Where do we share the information and to whom?

Your answer will be personal to you and to your relationship with Christ.

Let us share together in the joy of praising and worshipping Christ.

We hope you enjoy the service the readings can be found on the document attached with the prayer for today and a closing prayer.

Our services in church this Sunday are both at 10.15am

Edingale Holy Trinity Holy Communion

Harlaston St Matthew’s Family Worship

Take care and God bless.

Sunday, August 16th.

This weekend we find ourselves remembering 75 years ago: the end of WW2 and V J Day: Victory in Japan.

As we look back and send our prayers of thanks to all those who gave their lives so that we can experience our freedom today: we shall explore the passage from Romans 8:31-39, Paul writes to the Romans and tries to enable them to see that they will receive comfort and compassion from God, that nothing that happens on Earth can separate them or us from the Love of God.

So, join us in this online service, pick up a candle and match on your way, along with your bible and a cuppa.

There is an opportunity to join in with prayers, lighting your candle and an Act of Rededication to witness to and empower Peace. Peace in our own lives and of those around us.

Should you wish to talk some more, please contact us.

Sunday, August 9th.

Services this morning are taking place at Holy Trinity, Edingale and St. Andrew’s, Clifton Campville. Both at 10.15am and with social distancing and hand sanitizing in place.

Our Sunday Video today comes from out in the country side in the Mease Valley. Revd. John considers the Spiritual Temperature of our faith and practice in a bid to raise the temperature.  There is time to pray and a most beautiful song to join in that will touch the heart.

What is it about your Spiritual Life that you would like to explore and nurture and grow with the help of God and his Church (the people)?

Sunday, August 2nd.

Good morning and welcome. Today is our second weekend trying out two of our churches for Sunday services in the buildings and also keeping our online videos coming out too.  Thanks for the feedback everyone last week. Our video will appear below.

It is with caution and social distancing in place that we are meeting today at St. Matthew’s Church, Harlaston (8.45am Holy Communion) and at St. Peter’s Church, Elford (10.15am.)

Today is the 8th Sunday after Trinity and we are exploring ‘Feeding the 5000’ a familiar biblical story which gives us a wonderful message.

Boil the kettle and settle down with a nice hot cuppa, and don’t forget to grab your bible: Matthew 14:13-21, enjoy prayers, reading, drama, reflection, more prayers and get you vocal chords ready for a well-known beauty to finish!!

We do hope that you continue to enjoy our weekly online offering:

Look, see and use what is around you and believe in the power of our Saviour and King, Jesus Christ.

July the 26th, Pleasing to God and Working Together.

Good morning and welcome to the weekend. Today is our first weekend trialing out two of our churches for a Sunday service in the buildings.  It is with caution and social distancing in place that we are attempting this both at Clifton and and at Edingale this week at 10.15am. Next week we are going to try the same at Harlaston (8.45am) and Elford (10.15am) church buildings as well.  We are also going to be continuing to use video to connect with our congregations at home and further a field. A slightly shorter format is going to be used going forward but we would really value your feedback as we move ahead.

This morning our Sunday video is filmed on the theme of pleasing God and working together. It will go live on Sunday morning 26th July and be ready to watch.

July the 19th, Paul and life in the Spirit.

Our reading sheet can be downloaded here.

Our Sunday service is coming to you this week from Clifton Campville!

The Christian life is authenticated by the Spirit of God coming to live in the life of the believer. The Spirit of God alive in us and transforming us from the inside out.

The Christian hope lies in the promises of Jesus in the here and now. We are God’s children. It is a hope for today, and for the future, as we look for God’s Kingdom to come fully and finally into our world. A life eternal.

St. Andrew’s church could do with your financial support at this time. Would you like to donate (see below)? Or to learn more about St. Andrew’s giving campaign.

Online Donation button for Clifton

If you press this button above you can give online to St. Andrew’s church.  It will also allow you to gift aid your amount to make it go much further, it can issue a receipt too.

July the 12th, The Parable of the Sower

An opportunity to explore a well known ‘parable’, story which allowed Jesus to teach and share the love of God. Join us on the journey, come follow Jesus and watch to see if your seed will grow.

Sunday 12th July. Our reading sheet can be downloaded here.

Today we are looking at Psalm 65:9-13 and Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23.

Grab a coffee, your bible and enjoy the journey of a well-known ‘parable’

The Parable of the Sower: We welcome you to St Matthew’s Chilcote today, thank you to everyone who helped produce this short service.

Where do our seeds fall? Where do we find ourselves, during our journey with Christ? Can we accommodate those who are deaf or blind to God’s word?

Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified: hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people, that in their vocation and ministry they may serve you in holiness and truth to the glory of your name; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


The video ends in silence, please use the short time to cast your seed in whichever way seems appropriate: metaphorically ‘broadcast’ God’s word to the world.

Service of Healing and Wholeness

Sunday 5th July 2020

This Sunday we have taken the opportunity to offer a healing service to try and offset some of the pain, suffering and weariness that we might be feeling.

When we offer ourselves to christ as disciples, as followers of Him, we are welcomes into His healing embrace. We can be certain of Him in these times of uncertainty. He will shoulder our burden and help us through this unprecedented situation. ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light’.

Pray, Believe, Recieve. Click here for our reading sheet

Thank you for watching. God Bless and stay safe

A Staged Return of our Church Buildings for individual prayer.

Harlaston: We aim to have a staged return for the opening of our buildings beginning with St. Matthew’s Harlaston (15.06.20) open each day there after 10am-4pm for individual prayer and contemplation. The first Sunday Service is scheduled for Sunday 2nd August, 8.45am.

Elford: We have opened St. Peter’s church, Elford (22.06.20) Opening there after on on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays 10am-4pm also for individual prayer. The first Sunday service is scheduled for Sunday 2nd August, 10.15am.

Clifton Campville: We assessed St. Andrew’s church, Clifton Campville and make the necessary adjustments to get parts open also.  We are opening on Sunday’s and Thursday’s for individual prayer and contemplation, 10am – 4pm (from the end of June.) and have our first Sunday service scheduled for Sunday 26th July, 10.15am

Edingale: At Holy Trinity Church Edingale we have made arrangements to open for our first scheduled Sunday service on Sunday 26th July, 10.15am.

St. Peter’s Tide, the 28th June 2020


Our service this morning was filmed in the village of Elford, where just last year Rev’d Nicola was ordained to the priesthood and took her promises in Lichfield. She presided at her first Communion service here at Elford. This year due to the virus, many of these new ordinations and appointments in the C.of.E will have been postponed.

The church at Elford takes its name from Jesus’ disciple Peter whom, Jesus called the rock on whom he would build his church.  Peter and Paul’s lives and deaths are remembered at this time of year as they lost their lives under the Roman Empire around AD. 64-67.  All these years later we look to Jesus, just as they did, for our guidance and our strength.

Our service will be available just below to join, and our readings sheet can be downloaded here.


Our contact details:

Our Rector:

Our Curate:

Our Licensed Reader:

You can also find us on facebook at measevalleychurches

Fathers Day, the 21st June 2020.

Our service video has some technical difficulties this week and we are struggling to get it online. Many apologies

We have a special message for Father’s Day from the Church of England ready here

and below is a service for our colleagues at the C.of.E 

We will do our best to upload the Mease Valley Service once it is ready.

You can download our Sunday Service Readings Sheet here.

1st Sunday after Trinity, the 14th June 2020.

Today’s service is coming to you from St. Matthew’s Church in Harlaston. We will be looking at how we can build our endurace, our character and our Hope.

We aim to have a staged return for the opening of our buildings beginning with St. Matthew’s Harlaston tomorrow morning (15.06.20) 

You can find out more about our Church at Harlaston here.

You can download our Sunday Service Readings Sheet here.

Just click below for our service.  (Our contact details can be found below)


Our contact details:

Our Rector:

Our Curate:

Our Licensed Reader:

You can also find us on facebook at measevalleychurches

Trinity Sunday, the 7th June 2020.

Today’s service is coming to you from Holy Trinity Edingale.

You can find out more about our Church at Edingale here.

You will be able to access our Sunday service and reading sheet from here this morning.

You can download our Sunday Service Readings Sheet here.


Pentecost Sunday, 31/05/20.

The coming of the Holy Spirit and the The Birthday of the Early Church,

Today is Pentecost, when we remember God’s Holy Spirit given to his first disciples in Jerusalem. it is thought of as being like the birth day of the early church. This Sunday we film our first Holy Communion since the Lockdown. Although we cannot all share in Holy Communion together as one, we can can share it spiritually as a church.

St. Andrew’s Chantry Chapel, Clifton Campville was the location for our service today. The Christian markings on the wall of the chapel take us right back to the herriage of worship and prayer at St Andrew’s in the 13th-14th Centuries. Our church buildings have been closed for many weeks but our faith and our services continue.  We hope you enjoy.

You can download our readings sheet for today here.


Sunday the 24th May 2020 (The Seventh Sunday after Easter)

SUNDAY after Ascension Day

‘Jesus Christ exalted with great triumph to heaven’

Today’s Reading Sheet can be downloaded here to accompany the service.


Sunday the 17th May 2020.

Our service today picks up the traditional practice of Rogation Tide. God’s blessing of the land and all it produces. 


A prayer for Rogation Tide.

Dear Lord and Father, we are sorry that we so often forget that
all creation belongs to you, and that you have made us
responsible for its wellbeing. Forgive us for the damage we
have inflicted on our mother earth, and on our fellow creatures –
the birds and the animals, and so much wildlife. Help us to turn
to you, to change our ways and in humble love and service to
cherish your whole creation. Amen

Today’s Reading Sheet can be downloaded here to accompany the service.

Sunday, 10th May. VE Day Celebrations.  We have a video recorded for you this weekend to enjoy from the safety of your own home. See below.

You can find a copy of the reading sheet here to follow the bible readings. During the start of the service you will be asked if you would like to light a candle. You may like to have one to hand to join in.



Sunday, 3rd May. Mease Valley Churches Service. ‘I am… The Sheep Gate’.

Here is our latest Bible reading sheet to download so that you can follow the reading yourself and the others set for today. Here also is a prayer and poem to take with you.

This morning’s service will begin with a welcome from Elford and Clifton Campville, two of our villages from familiar faces in the Mease Valley.  Revd. Nicky Busby head’s out to the near by sheep fold to bring into focus Jesus’ intimate words to his followers ‘I am…. The sheep gate’ there is a time of prayer at the end led sensitivity by our Reader, Jackie Tyler.  If you would like to interact with one or more of our staff we can be available to arrange a call, or a zoom meeting, a messenger video call, or Skype meeting to say hello or to answer any questions. Details below.

Our contact details:

Our Rector:

Our Curate:

Our Licensed Reader:

You can also find us on facebook at measevalleychurches

Sunday, 26th April. Mease Valley Churches Service. The Road to Emmaus.

Here is our latest Bible reading sheet to download so that you can follow the reading.

This service has a time of silence for the late Revd. Stewart Tyler and questions are asked about knowing Jesus for ourselves.  If you do have questions and hurdles to your faith, however small, we would love to hear from you.

Our Rector:

Our Curate:

Our Licensed Reader:

You can also find us on facebook at measevalleychurches

Sunday 19th April. Mease Valley Churches Service of Healing and Wholeness.

This service is dedicated to Revd. Stewart and Jackie Tyler.   Revd. Stewart, we are sorry to say died at home on Friday night. This service was recorded the same week. Our sincere thanks and prayers are with his family.  We are assured that Stewart is with our Lord and Saviour Jesus, and lives on.

Here is our Bible reading sheet to download.

Easter Sunday Greetings to you!!

Here below is our service for you to join in with on Easter day after 5am. Just press play and make full screen!


Good Friday, Friday 10th April. Jackie Tyler will be leading a 2pm Service of Reflection on the Cross. This will be available here for you to join in. The word for the hymn can be found HERE

Here below is a series of links to our Service for Palm Sunday for Sunday 5th April.  Why not join us. (Click the play button on one or more, and make it full screen) you can also find our order of service here to print. 

Here below is a link to our Service for Action again poverty from last week. Sunday 29th March and the service order. Why not join us. (Click below on the play button, and make full screen) you can find the order of service here.
