Online donations page

Donating could not be easier

Would you like to make a donation to a specific Church in the Mease Valley? As part of the Diocese of Lichfield, now you can.

Simply scroll down for the desired church in our group.  Here is a list of our churches in The Mease Valley. Our banking details can be found below. 

  • Chilcote St. Matthew
  • Clifton Campville St. Andrew
  • Edingale, Holy Trinity
  • Elford St. Peter
  • Harlaston St. Matthew


St. Peter’s church, Elford. 

Account name: Elford PCC.

Account number: 00200203. Sort code 30-98-44


St. Andrews’ church, Clifton Campville

Account name: Clifton Campville PCC. 

Account number: 00404039. Sort code 60-21-50


Holy Trinity church, Edingale

Account name: Edingale PCC.

Account number: 00405647. Sort code 60-21-50


St. Matthews church, Harlaston

Account name: Harlaston PCC.

Account number: 00412643. Sort code 60-21-50